在windows 2003中使用PI Activeview
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
今天在搞把PDI文件用PI Activeview嵌到网页里面去,搞了半天都不行,使用同样的方法在其他的电脑上面都是OK的,而且我的电脑浏览其他主机上面嵌有PDI的网页也不能显示。分析原因,其他的电脑都是XP或者2000的系统,只有我的是2003,难道是操作系统的原因,搜索了一下,果然在OSISOFT的支持网站上面有这样一片文章Using PI ActiveView and Windows Server 2003 Copy一下解决方法粘在这里,很简单就不翻译了
1. In IIS Manager, right-click on the level of hierarchy for which to change the setting and select "Properties." 2. Go to the tab "HTTP Headers" and click the "MIME Types..." button.
3. Select New and enter the following information for Extension: .PDI for MIME type: application/octet-stream
4. You should now see the .PDI under the Registered MIME Types list.
5. Click OK.
6. Stop and restart your IIS service for the changes to take effect.
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