Install Software Do Not Support Your Windows Edition
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Today I need install Adobe Premiere Pro 2 that does only support windows XP. Need I change my OS just to use it, no I do not want to do it. I went to the Internet to fetch some information. At first I just want to see if there is some mod to force it work on windows 2003. A method that replaced 1033.mst is recommend. this is the simplest way to install the software.
However another article attracted me more than simplest way is to modify the install package using Orca.exe. It is a database table editor for creating and editing Windows Installer packages and merge modules provided by Microsoft. The tool provides a graphical interface for validation, highlighting the particular entries where validation errors or warnings occur. More information and the way how to get it in Orca.exe or Windows Installer Development Tools.
Orca.exe is a good tool. Under the help of it we can install software do not support your windows edition if the install file of it is in .msi format such as Adobe Premiere Pro 2. After you finished install Orca.exe, do follow instruction to hack it.
1. Using Orca.exe to open Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0.msi (NOTE: not the setup.exe, this is just a encapsulation of msi file)
2. Find "LaunchCondition" node in the left Column. this is the setup launch condition that can be seen from the name.
3. Modify
((VersionNT>500) AND (ServicePackLevel>=2)) OR ((VersionNT64) AND (ServicePackLevel>=1))
(1==1) OR ((VersionNT>500) AND (ServicePackLevel>=2)) OR ((VersionNT64) AND (ServicePackLevel>=1))
just add 1==1 to make this condition always is true to let the setup run.
There are other condition under "LaunchCondition" , such as adminUser, Screen....., We can change them if need, But we need not in installing Adobe Premiere Pro 2.
Remember this is just a hack to install software do not support your windows edition. Maybe you can't use the soft even finish install. ^-^ Below is VersionNT value in Windows Sedation. windows98 and 98 is not NT edition of windows series. VersionNT value of Vista seem to be 600.
Product Version VersionNT value
Windows NT 4 4.0 400
Windows 2000 5.0 500
Windows XP 5.1 501
Windows 2003 5.2 502
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